Pucuk Paku Belacan Tumis

To prepare this simple menu, you just have to prepare few ingredients:

First of all, you’ll need this as the main ingredient, we call it pucuk paku in our language:
Next, you’ll have to prepare few more ingredients to make this delicious dish. Ingredients is as stated below in the picture 👇🏻😄


Then, move to exciting part is to cook and combine them all. Heat the wok and put chopped shallot, garlic, shrimp paste and the dried shrimp into hot oil. Until they turn into golden brown, put a little bit of hot water to loosen the shrimp paste. At this point, your kitchen will have delicious smell of the combined ingredients 😂. 

Finally, put the paku pakis, white chillies and onion and stir fried for about 2 to 3 minutes. Put salt and sugar to taste and then you good to go 😁😜👍🏻

Yeap. Easy recipe right? I know. That’s why I’m sharing it. Well, have a try! Guaranteed this will be your awesome and different menu to try 😋

Good luck. 😉


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