Pucuk Paku Belacan Tumis

To prepare this simple menu, you just have to prepare few ingredients:

First of all, you’ll need this as the main ingredient, we call it pucuk paku in our language:
Next, you’ll have to prepare few more ingredients to make this delicious dish. Ingredients is as stated below in the picture 👇🏻😄


Then, move to exciting part is to cook and combine them all. Heat the wok and put chopped shallot, garlic, shrimp paste and the dried shrimp into hot oil. Until they turn into golden brown, put a little bit of hot water to loosen the shrimp paste. At this point, your kitchen will have delicious smell of the combined ingredients 😂. 

Finally, put the paku pakis, white chillies and onion and stir fried for about 2 to 3 minutes. Put salt and sugar to taste and then you good to go 😁😜👍🏻

Yeap. Easy recipe right? I know. That’s why I’m sharing it. Well, have a try! Guaranteed this will be your awesome and different menu to try 😋

Good luck. 😉


October 5, 2013


Who I am, really?

I’m not a name nor height, or a weight, or a gender. I’m not an age and I’m not where I’m from.

I’m my favourite books and the songs stuck on my head. I am my thoughts and what I’m eat for breakfast on Saturday morning..

I’m a thousand things but everyone chooses to see the million things I am not.

I am not where I’m from. I AM WHERE I’M GOING. And someone probably would like to go there too.

This is me and my Life. I love it~♥

Life And The Emotions

Life and the emotions; that was the topic lingering around my mind. Ones cannot escape from the past. Some people still with their past. The different is whether it’s a good or bad past life they have. Me too, as a normal human being, I still live and remembering my life in the past. It was quite horrible for me especially when the bad life in the past surrounds me. It makes me sick.

So then I’m telling myself to not to too over-thinking about my life and just live facing the future. Concentrating the very life I have and just live my life to the fullest. I realized I cannot be like this too often. It may reduce my quality of life and lower my self-esteem at the same time. Living in the past is like visiting and re-visiting history hoping that the past can alter the present, or reminiscing on what might have been, or chewing on plain, old fashion nostalgia. We cannot rewrite history, but we can only learn from it, and MOVE ON. Just keep moving on and on! Even if life keeps knocking us down.

Forgive yourself for the wrong choices that you’ve made in the past. They are not evidence of who you are, they are evidence of who you were.

Don’t Let…


Yes. Never ever let someone dim your light, simply because it’s shining in their eyes!

I need to keep reminding myself about this. Every day in my life I have to face with so many type of people. Bad or good, they are the colors my life.


It’s true that life’s knocked me down a few times. But yeah, it showed me things that I never wanted to see. Sadness, and also failures are all mixed up and messing up my life. But there’s just one thing I can be sure of, I WILL ALWAYS GET UP! Keep my chin up and just walk away and make another stories of my life’s journey.

There’s only so many times we can allow someone to let us down before we can’t handle the disappointment anymore. I always know that when things change, people also change. There will come a point in life where we get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix things. But it’s not GIVING up. I have got to do what’s RIGHT for myself. Even if it’s HURT..


I feels like throwing my hands up and saying “I give up! I’ve had enough!” today. (—.—) Then I pray;

Dear God,
I’ve tried my best,
But if today I lose my HOPE,
Please tell me that your plans are better than my dreams…..

Dear God,
I can’t say it in words,
Can you please just listen through my HEART ♡

I LEARNED THE HARD WAY! I know I can’t always count on others to respect my feelings. Even if I respect theirs. Being good and kind doesn’t guarantee that they will be good too. I have to control over myself and choose what type of person I wanna be. As for others,  I might only choose to accept them or just walk away.


I Rule My World


In my life, there are so much ups and down I’ve gone through. Even until now I still facing them. That’s my life. My life is full of test. Facing different kind of people and problem. Whether emotionally or it’s hurts physically. Well, I still alive til now. Knowing that they only made me grow even more stronger.

I’m kind of tired. But I’m not gonna give it up easily. I’ve faced so many hard days. Even facing with many different kind of people. Involving myself into their world. That I think quite nonsense to me. But now I promise myself. I won’t easily get myself used by those people again. This is my life and it’s me who rule my world. I have the power to change my life.


I promise myself to be strong no matter what. I wont give up easily. Nothing’s gonna stop me for being me.

Life Is Beautiful

Life is beautiful for those who know how to live well. As Abraham Lincoln said: “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

Live the moment. Seize the day and you will find life is beautiful. Be thankful now for you can still breathe, eat, smile, laugh, talk, kiss and walk. You should be grateful for whatever you have. So, celebrate life.


No One Waits Forever

alone with the sunshineHow often we hesitate to share our feelings, to confess our love, to tell about the way some people make us feel? How often we wait for a perfect moment to let them know? And how often we are too late because someone else would do it before us and things will just go wrong?

Who told you there is a perfect moment?
Do you know what a perfect moment looks like?
Maybe the perfect moment is just now?
Maybe it was yesterday?
Maybe it will never happen?
How do you know?
And what will you do when it comes (if it does)?
Are you prepared?
Do you know what to say?
How to say it?
Considering this perfect moment is NOW. Are you ready?

We always wait for a better opportunity, a better place, a better time. We just hope tomorrow will be a better day for this. We always wait for tomorrow, but…. maybe we shouldn’t?

Instead of waiting for a perfect moment shouldn’t we create one for ourselves?

Because what if tomorrow never comes, what if you take too much time, what if they don’t manage to wait for your confession…

Nobody waits forever….

Wouldn’t you want to risk?? Why not? After all it is not something you can change. Whatever they feel for you they already feel it.

If you confess and a reply is positive, do you lose anything? And if you confess and are rejected, what you lose? Just something that has never been yours.. Do not be sad for being without someone who is happy being without you; it is not fair, is it?

The thing is only that if you don’t say what you feel, it might become late. World won’t stay still until you finally decide what you want to do. Life will go on.

No one waits forever.

You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

The crowds fade away, the shouts fade away, and suddenly I’ve got to outpace and outrace. Nobody but myself. Though shadows may fall, the sun comes out, after all.. I believe there’s something to look forward to, there’s someone beside me and there’s someone to guide me. I’m not ALONE, on my own.

You’re Not Alone – Trixie Asirvatham 
When it looks like you’re at the end of the road, You’re not.
When it seems as if your back is to the wall , It isn’t.
It’s the way you look at a situation
that turns it into something you can handle
or makes it fearsome, intimidating…
something you want to run away from.
And fear feeds upon fear,
Until it is monstrous, gigantic, larger than life…
something you just can’t cope with
on the strength of your own frail resources.
And fear makes you vulnerable to attack-
Defensive, powerless, you withdraw into your shell
And hope that the storm blows over
without too much damage to your life.
But let me tell you, my friend,
You are not alone.
You have the strength of the Almighty to draw from
In your time of deepest need.
He will never let you down,
No, not even when you’ve reached
he lowest of the low points in your life.
He loves you and will guide you
through the lashing waves,
Shelter you from the stormy winds
and bring you to an oasis of peace.
He is within you, around you, above you, below you,
Behind you and before you,
Anywhere you go.
And with His mighty power
No problem is too great to solve.
Have faith, and do not be afraid-
This time of trial will soon be over.
Reach out to those who care for you.
You don’t have to be the “strong one” all the time.
And even from this troubled time
You will find some positive changes in your life emerge
And like the coconut tree that bends in the wind,
You will spring up tall and strong
After the storm is over.