Lunchies 19.11.2015

Today I decided to cook something different from our typical family menus for lunch. I suddenly think about curry and ginger. So I grab some chicken meat and lady’s finger to prepare these two menus. 

So I shall start with my first chicken with ginger menu:

The ingredients you will need is as stated below;

Core ingredients:

1. Ginger (cut into strips + thinly crushed)

2. Shallot (just a small one for the taste and aroma)

3. Lemongrass 

4. 6 cloves of garlics (chopped)

5. Onion (preferably the bombay onion but I just just whatever available 😬)

6. Chillies (I don’t have chillies though but adding it would be nice 😏)  

7.  Yard long bean

8. Chicken meats (main ingredient)

Firstly, of course you have to fry the onions and whatsoever needed to be thrown into the hot oil 😂 like this below 👇🏻😚
And then put the chicken meats and stir fry for minutes without adding water first. So that all the fried onions and ginger absorbed into the chicken meats and it gave it aroma. 

And then put the lemongrass altogether and keep stirring until the chicken meats turned brown. After that, put about 300mls of water (preferably chicken stock), salt and sugar to taste. Then close the lid and leave for about 5mins until the chicken fully cooked (to diffuse the bacteria). 

It’ll look like this when it’s boiling 😋. Lastly, put the vegetables (yard long bean and onions) as they’re easily cooked and close the lid for few minutes and then you’re done!! Enjoy the simple typical yet healthy meal.


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