But Actually It Still Hurts

I’ve realised that underneath this tough exterior, I’m extremely sensitive. And things really effect me for ages. I’m used to forgetting shit and bouncing back and that’s why people think that it’s okay to treat me a certain way. But it actually still hurts lol
– kushandwizdom


Life Is Beautiful

Life is beautiful for those who know how to live well. As Abraham Lincoln said: “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

Live the moment. Seize the day and you will find life is beautiful. Be thankful now for you can still breathe, eat, smile, laugh, talk, kiss and walk. You should be grateful for whatever you have. So, celebrate life.


This Lullaby


I knew that there were no guarantees. No way of knowing what came next for me, for him, or anybody. Some things don’t last forever, but some things do. 

Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down the corners and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see there.

A Wall

Build A Wall
You don’t try to build A WALL. 
You don’t set out and say 
I’m gonna build the biggest, baddest,
greatest wall that has ever been built
You say “I’m going to lay this brick as
perfectly as a brick can be laid“.
You do this every single day, and soon you have A WALL.
-Will Smith-


Have you ever look a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?.
It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you.
How many moments of other people’s lives have we been in.

Were we a part of someone’s life when their dream came true?
Or were we there when their dream died?
Did we keep trying to get in?
As if we were somehow destined to be there
or did the shot take us by surprise?

Just think,
you could be a big part of someone else’s life,
and not even know it…

I Love My Ladybug ~♥~

These are some of my ladybugs macro shots collection 🙂 Some people say, if you could see one of them, you’ll be lucky and I think I’ve seen so many of  them in different colors and looks. Am I lucky enough now? LOL.. I am very happy to see them through my lens. Even though the shots isn’t that good in quality but I glad I took it. 😀

1. This is my favorite edit. Love how the color splash works on this photo. And for sure, this is an adorable bug. Isn’t it cute?  🙂

My personal favorite shot

2. The second attempt. Adjusting the contrast and saturation. I love the outcome. Simple yet beautiful 🙂

I love how the snap turned out to be this cool 🙂

3. Ha! There goes my emo ladybug. Love the colors of its body. And yes! Got the right timing when capturing this. He gave me a beautiful and sexy pose. 🙂 how lucky am I.

Lovely ladybug with more black color on its body 😛

4. My fat and healthy ladybug. 🙂

Geez…she’s fat lol

Well, I got so many photos of ladybug on my drive. But just selecting the best and my favorite one. Sorry for the pictures’ quality. I’m LEARNING 🙂

I Love Photography ~♥~

I’m in love with photography and recently, I really interested with “macro photographing”. Why? Because I like to see the little things in details. Often, we forget or can’t see how beautiful the little things are. Until we really look them into deep. 🙂

I would like to show some of the macro photographs that I took ever since I’m in love with macro photographing about 3 months ago.


This is my first macro shot of butterfly. I’m using additional macro lens for shooting this with the aid of only 5MP HTC camera. I did a bit touch up on the photo to make it looks cool. Well, I don’t know. It’s still not the best compared to a real photographer macro shot. 😛 But, hey, it’s not who are you, a photographer or not. it’s how we see or view our world.